
Balanced Meals for Healthy Teeth

Sink your teeth into laughter and health with our toothsome twist on balanced meals. Bon appétit, and brace yourself for dental delight!”

Diet has a great influence on oral health. It participates in the prevention of cavities, gingivitis and dental erosion. Here are some dietary rules to adopt.

Don’t we say that we crunch life to the fullest? The image is far from being abusive. In fact, in the presence of this beautiful enthusiasm that leads to smiling, laughing, talking or raging, here are our teeth which are displayed insolently. Eminently aesthetic reasons push us to take good care of them on a daily basis. 

Regular brushing (twice a day, morning and evening, for 2 minutes), flossing to chase away unwanted guests (preferably in the evening before brushing) and mouthwashes should never be neglected. However, even pampered and protected by a layer of enamel and dentin, the teeth are no less fragile. Thus, a certain type of diet inevitably generates dental caries and sometimes even a deterioration in the quality of the teeth.

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It is commonly accepted that it is preferable to avoid consuming too many sugary foods whose role is recognized in the etiology of oral pathologies. “Fermentable sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, etc.) have the major disadvantage of being absorbed by the bacteria present in the mouth, which then synthesize the acids responsible for demineralizing the enamel and, thereby, promote the formation of cavities, explains Dr. Christophe Lequart, dental surgeon and spokesperson for the French Union for Oral Health (UFSBD). A phenomenon that is further accentuated if the food intake of sugar increases throughout the day, saliva then not having time to play its role of buffering acidity.

Enemies to Avoid

You should also be extra careful with naturally acidic foods. Starting with citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, grapefruits…), but also apples, tomatoes, pickles, white wines or even vinegars. Very corrosive, these acidic foods cause demineralization and premature erosion of the teeth. “By their nature both acid and sweet, sodas are even worse, because they contain gases that potentiate the harmful effects of acidity, points out Dr. Lequart. Acidity demineralizes enamel, and bacteria use sugars to produce acidity which will increase enamel demineralization.”

But it is also appropriate, for good oral health, to avoid the temptation of too soft food. Living organs, the teeth find their nutrition in the very effort of mastication which allows the good development of the muscular and bone masses. That is why it is recommended to switch to a solid diet in children. 

Similarly, apart from certain specific periods of life (surgery, age-related swallowing problems, etc.), soft, sticky food that leaves food residues on the surfaces of the teeth, which increases the risk of caries, is not recommended for adults. And this, especially since poor oral health can have unexpected, but now recognized consequences on the proper functioning of certain organs and on health in general. 

Also, periodontal diseases are also the royal way to let many pathogenic bacteria enter the blood which will then migrate to the heart, lungs, kidneys… They can then cause serious inflammatory problems away from the oral cavity: cardio diseases -vascular, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), rheumatoid arthritis, and even cancers.

Fluoride against cavities

If a diversified diet, sufficiently rich in proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins and mineral salts, is the first guarantee of good dental health, certain foods, more than others, are particularly beneficial. “Fluoride combines with the crystals that form the enamel of the teeth and thus makes this enamel less sensitive to acid attacks generated by food intake,” says Dr. Lequart. 

Foods rich in fluoride include fish, vegetables and more so beans, water, nuts and green tea. Special mention for dark chocolate which contains not only fluorine, but also tannins and phosphates which neutralize acidity, and Vichy Saint-Yorre water, highly fluorinated. As the intake of fluoride from food remains quite limited, it is essential to use a fluoridated toothpaste.

Calcium in support

Calcium-rich foods are mainly dairy products: yogurts and cheeses. They provide calcium and minerals that will remineralize damaged enamel. They are also full of casein, a protein that forms an antibacterial film around the teeth. Combined with calcium, phosphorus ensures good bone mineral density and thus helps to strengthen the strength of bones and teeth. It is mainly found in red meat, nuts, seeds and eggs.

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Antioxidants for the gums

Antioxidants promote the renewal of gum tissue cells and play a small role in the prevention of gum disease. Celery, cucumbers, tomatoes… Fresh fruits and vegetables are the greatest sources of antioxidants. Consuming them crunchy also offers an additional advantage: the increased chewing of these fiber-rich foods stimulates the production of saliva, which regulates oral acidity and remineralizes the enamel.

Vitamin C found in abundance in oranges, kale, broccoli or berries is involved in the synthesis of collagen inside the dentin, and influences the growth, repair and maintenance teeth. Vitamin A, on the other hand, is a key element for healthy gums and enamel. Most orange-colored foods such as pumpkin, sweet potato or carrot have a good vitamin A content.

Finally, if vitamin D is necessary for bone health, it is also necessary for that of teeth. In the elderly, it helps to better fight against periodontitis, an inflammatory and infectious condition that causes frequent loosening and, in extreme cases, tooth loss. Present in fatty fish (salmon, tuna, herring, sardines, etc.) and cod liver oil.

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